10 Simple Ways to Go Green

By: Carolyn Franano Pembroke Hill School, Sr., Blog Editor

With the immense threat of climate change looming over the earth, it’s easy to feel helpless. However, you can make a world of difference by implementing a few small changes in your life. 

  1. ALWAYS recycle! Every piece of plastic, glass, etc. that makes it to a recycling plant instead of a landfill makes a difference. Next time you are about to throw recyclable material in the trash because it’s more convenient, remember that most plastic takes a thousand years to decompose. Every time you recycle, you are making a difference. 

  2. Shop sustainably by supporting environmental businesses. If you own a business, partner with them for example, if your business is in Missouri, team up with KC Can Compost to eliminate organic waste!  

  3. You can compost in your own backyard. While you can’t compost quite as many materials with backyard composting, you can still prevent a ton of organic waste such as fruit and vegetables, coffee filters and grounds, eggshells, grass clippings, etc. from ending up in a landfill releasing greenhouse gases. 

  4. Buy reusable bags instead of using plastic ones. Many grocery stores sell reusable bags, and you can also find them at many online shops like Flip & Tumble. 

  5. Shop at thrift and consignment stores instead of buying from big chains. The US generates over 15 million tons of textile waste every year. When clothes end up in landfills, the chemicals from them seep into the ground causing environmental damage. Fashion production causes 10% of the world’s carbon emissions and 85% of textiles go to landfills. 

  6. Use cloth to clean and use as napkins instead of paper. You can also use old t-shirts as rags instead of throwing them away, solving two environmental problems at once! 

  7. Wash laundry in cold water instead of hot, and line dry them. This lowers carbon emissions and saves a ton of energy. In fact, 90% of the energy used by the washing machine goes towards heating the water. Hot water can also shrink and fade your clothes, so cold water is better for you and the environment! 

  8. Buy a reusable water bottle! Bring it with you everywhere so you never have to buy another plastic disposable water bottle. 

  9. Research appliances before you buy them, and try to purchase energy-efficient ones. Check for the “Energy Star” label. 

  10. SPREAD AWARENESS! Take these tips and share them with your friends and family. Next time you see someone throwing a plastic bottle in the trash, stop them, and remind them of the importance of recycling. When a friend wants to go shopping, take them to a thrift store. Use your voice to save the Earth, and spread awareness about climate change!


How Composting Can Help Combat Climate Change


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