Support Us
Support the Greener Good
Support KC Can Compost and Green Core Training by making a donation. Your tax-deductible contribution helps us partner with more kitchens, divert more waste, and create more jobs.
Support KC Can Compost & Green Core Training by volunteering your time. Join us in an administrative, mentoring or hands-on role, composting for the good of the community.
Compost at Home
Support KC Can Compost and Green Core Training by composting at home. Become a member and start recycling your food waste today. It’s good for the community and the planet!
Compost at Work
Support KC Can Compost and Green Core Training by composting at your place of business. Small or large, we have solutions to fit your commercial composting needs. Plus, it’s good for the community and the planet!
Support KC Can Compost and Green Core Training by following us on social media and sharing our posts with your friends.

Partners for the Greener Good
Leaders in the Kansas City Community
Google Fiber Headquarters
H&R Block Headquarters
Kansas City United Church of Christ
Rise Southern Biscuits and Righteous Chicken
The Roasterie
Roeland Park City Hall (at Price Chopper)
St. Luke’s Bishop Spencer Place
St Paul's Episcopal Day School
Sud’s Refillery
Stowers Institute
Stryten Energy
Taco Naco (Westport and Metcalf)
Transition Center of Kansas City
Tree Hugger Kitchen
University Health