Food Waste Tips for Urban, Apartment and Home Living

Look below for some fun and easy ways to cut back on food waste in your kitchen.


#1 Create a Shopping List

It will help you save money, make fewer impulse purchases and help you only grab what you need!


#2 Eat Sustainably

By eating more beans and vegetables you can positively impact the global food economy, land conservation and the world’s climate.


#3 Think Before You Toss

Learn more about how to understand food labels and dates. Consider composting your food scraps instead of tossing food in the trash.


#4 Track Your Toss

Keep a pad of paper in the kitchen and write down items that go bad and are thrown away or composted. After a few weeks you’ll see trends that you can address.


#5 Reduce Fridge Space

Remove a few shelves or drawers. This will encourage buying less, which will help waste less.


#6 Use Reusable Storage

Look for silicone bags, glass storage and beeswax wrap for more sustainable solutions to properly store food to extend its shelf life.


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