Zero Waste Wednesday

Your Complete Guide to Compostable Dental Hygiene

With a lot of things, you might be willing to make a small compromise for the environment. Carpooling offers a little less convenience and flexibility, but that tradeoff is worth it to halve the gas it takes to get around. You have to wash your dishtowels instead of just throwing them out like you would with paper towels, but that’s no big deal considering how much better it is for the planet. But when it comes to the health of your teeth, you should never make compromises. The good news is, you don’t have to. From your toothpaste to your floss, and everything in between, we have zero waste solutions for your dental routine.


Who says it needs to be made of plastic? Try Brush With Bamboo! It comes in compostable paper packaging, and the bristles are plant-based (though they are not biodegradable; you’ll need to remove the bristles with pliers before you compost the bamboo handle). If you prefer a plastic toothbrush, try these ones made from 100% recycled plastic from Preserve.

Electric Toothbrush

Lots of dentists swear by electric toothbrushes. And now there’s a bamboo version to help you keep the planet clean while you keep your teeth clean. Check out this electric bamboo toothbrush from Sustainable Tomorrow.

Dental Floss

There’s no reason you need to use plastic dental floss! Next time your dentist offers you a goodie bag, opt out of the floss and tell them you’re going to use Dental Lace—compostable, plastic-free floss made from silk and dispensed from a glass container. They even have a vegan option if you’re opposed to silk! Brush With Bamboo sells their own compostable silk dental floss as well.

Floss Picks

Some people prefer easy-to-use floss picks, but until now, they have always been made of plastic. But now, SmartLifeCo has created a floss pick made from wheatgrass (don’t worry, it’s gluten-free!) They also sell bamboo brushes and compostable dental floss of their own.

Tongue Scraper

It’s really important to clean not just your teeth, but your tongue. Bacteria on your tongue can cause bad breath and can lead to tonsil stones. Brush With Bamboo offers a tongue scraper to help you attend to the health of your whole mouth, not just your teeth. 

Toothpaste Alternatives

It’s hard to get around the packaging that comes with toothpaste, but Bite has finally done it! Check out these toothpaste tablets, available in fluoride or fluoride-free formulations.

Water Pick

A lot of zero-waters swear by a Waterpik as an alternative to flossing. Check with your dentist to see if they think this would be a good replacement, or if they’re recommend it as a supplement to your existing dental routine.


There are a ton of powders and tablets you can use for zero-waste mouthwash. There are also DIY recipes you can make yourself. But we’re still searching for a zero-waste mouthwash that has fluoride, which many dentists recommend for their patients.

Hopefully this is some helpful guidance as you work to make your daily routine more zero-waste. If you want to take it a step further, visit SOAP Refill, Suds Refillery, and Greener Home—local KC businesses and partners of KC Can Compost, who happen to carry a lot of these products so you can eliminate the environmental impact of shipping and packaging.

K Chamberlain