Have a Happy (and Compostable) Valentine’s Day!

Love is in the (very cold) air as Valentine’s Day approaches. This year, make sure the heat of your passion doesn’t contribute to global warming with these eco-friendly ways to show someone you care:

  1. Opt for these beautiful, handmade cards made with flower seeds, so your Valentine can plant your love notes and grow your words into flowers.

  2. Ordering flowers? Select sustainably grown blossoms in reusable, recyclable, or compostable packaging. Bouqs delivers beautiful, fresh-from-the-farm flowers that last longer and are sustainably grown. And remember—flowers aren’t just for ladies! Men appreciate a thoughtful gesture and a splash of color in their lives, too! Though maybe they prefer…

  3. Fair-trade luxury chocolates from Phillip Ashley. Made in small batches with premium, ingredients, these bonbons are sweet on your tongue and sweet on the planet, with a focus on seasonable and sustainable ingredients.

    And when the holiday is over, don’t forget: flowers are organic material, which means they can go right in your orange KC Can Compost bin to help decrease methane production and put the love back into the soil.

K Chamberlain